First off im mainly a fps fan, have an Xbox360 and Wii but have enjoyed every good shooter over the last 13 or so years. My favourites including Mega Man X, Gunstar Heroes, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Timesplitters 1 and 2, Counter Strike, Perfect Dark Zero, Quake 2-4 and Gears of War. Lately though i bought a Wii due to people saying the Wii Remote might add something new to the first person shooter era. The first person shooter i completed was Call of Duty 3 and to be honest after playing 2 on pc and Xbox360 and 3 on the Xbox360 i was not very impressed. I didn't care how bad the graphics looked but the slow down in large battle felt a bit of a pain. I was mainly testing the controller which disappointed me slightly. It was very glitchy to the point of frustration. Random movements and flickering was a pain. The extras like planting bombs and fighting enemies where not as responsive as i had hoped and felt tagged on cheaply.
Disappointed over all i traded it in for Red Steel which i initially didn't buy because of bad reviews but boy where they wrong. Straight off the first two hours sucked me right into the game and i never wanted to stop. The controls although a tiny bit glitchy where alot better then CoD3 and reacted when i wanted them to. Due to the game being set in smaller surroundings even the larger fire fights suffered little slow down. The sword fights which i wasn't playing the game for came and went smoothly and i could finish them as quickly as i liked so not to break up the gun wars. The thing ive came to love about Red Steel is how simple it is. Shooters have become to fancy and the only game play they can add on other platforms is hiding behind stuff, rolling, cover battles, team play, online play, over complicated weapons and so on. Red Steel take all of that away and leave a fine old school shooter. Its all about moving and shooting once again and its amazing, simple weapons and body armor it a has the feel of the simple gameplay found in the classics like Goldeneye and dispite what people say it does look nice and the level design is very simple but beautiful and nicely shootable. The sounds of bullets hitting everything around you mixed with flying dust, bricks and boxes makes you feel like your in a gun fight. Auto aim is anoying in most shooters but with the Wii Remote you can can happily aim for head shots and try and keep your accuracy high for a challange.
The muiltyplayer is off line and only supports 4 players but in surprisingly amazing. Its pure classic shooting all over again. Simple levels and nothing to think about other then restocking your bullets and armor and running and shooting with the occasional great distructable cover fight. Weapons, levels and damage system are all simple enough to leave you getting on with the fun. I love it and would recommend it to any fps fan. Yes glitches are there due to it being very new technology but the gameplay is fun and solid. If your after perfection try Gears of War but if you can get over a few small glitches to enjoy some classic shooter fun try Red Steel.
magrappy Blog
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