im a fan of cod since the first on the pc and i always love how it handle the online play and almost slap in the face of my other friends how easy, fast and not greedy the multi-player was on the cod game series compared to wow and other mmorpgs out there... now i must say i get a lil disappointed about how its handled now, but also i must say i love the single player and spec ops of mw2 so i ask it lended to a friend first to test it because i dont want to spend 60 and a game that i will get mad of something (dedicated servers) sadly the game its almost perfect in the single player and spect ops for me the only 1 its the multiplayer :( now i look forward time to time to see player reviews and hoping to see if players change their mind and put good reviews about or if something was changed,,, but like this review i think i need to wait a lot more to buy my mw2 or maybe i need to wait 2 years again and see if the game become like all we want..
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