magus704 / Member

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The woes of a street fighter fan

I never thought that I would be saying this, but playing street fighter online is LAME!!!!

Excuse me for going off on a bit of a rant here but honestly, playing a game that I hold so near and dear to me online should be one of the biggest things for me from a gaming perspective. However, because of horrible lag and a system that allows people to disconnect when they lose and not get penalized for it I find myself almost besides myself with extreme frustration and anger.

One example that gets me very, very upset is the way people exploit the button lag. Yeah, I'm talking to you jerks that decide to exploit it by using E. Honda's slappy hands attack. Back in the arcade it was very possible to counter this attack, even when boxed into a corner, but now, when the hands start slapping, it's pretty much a done deal, unless, by a stroke of luck a counter maneuver can be executed.

Continuing with my rant against the button lag, there's the fact that executing relatively simple 3 or 4 hit combos are now extremely difficult to execute since you have to accommodate for the button lag. I'm not saying that you can't get used to executing them again, I'm just saying that it can sometimes really irk you when it things don't happen the way they should.

As for those accursed people that just love to disconnect, well, I think you all can relate when I talk about this. I mean, come on people, it's just a game. If you lose, you lose. That's it. Losing is as big a part of Street Fighter, or any fighting game for that matter, as winning is. So for the sake of fair competition please take losing as a matter of course and just move on to your next opponent and not have me wait for around 15 seconds while you disconnect and screw me out of a legitimate ranked victory.