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MY (and your) ISP is killing Gaming...

I moved to Georgia a few months ago, and recently while doing NOTHING got a rude notice flashing across my screen. The notice was from Comcast / Xfinity (yeah, the ISP that cannot even decide on one name to call itself). When I lived in California, which has been almost my entire life, I never got any warning about data usage, and I have been with Comcast since they started out there. But I move to GA - and BAM! "WE HAVE 300 GB CAPS IN GEORGIA... and YOUR ALMOST THERE!". This was only the 6th of this month - btw!

Why do they get to treat one American one way and a different American a different way? What does it matter that I am living in Georgia? I pay you the same money as I did in California - why am I getting less service? People need the internet more than ever - and remember the internet is a PUBLIC SPACE. You don't own the internet - you own the WIRES... but that wire is beginning to get them thinking they OWN THE INTERNET.

Caps choke a lot of potential. Can you digital download all the games you want? NO - but Sony and Microsoft rely heavily on it, especially with the newest consoles. Can you watch streaming movies with caps? Hell no, unless your only watching a couple movies per month. Can you watch streaming ANYTHING? Youtube, Hulu, Netflix, Twitch, JustinTV, Pandora, Spotify - any service that needs to stream data to you is affected - and not just your enjoyment - this ACT OF TERROR threatens jobs in all of the internet service markets by stifling millions of people from being able to utilize said services. If Youtube is suddenly only streaming to half of it's customer base - guess what? HEADS START ROLLING TO CUT COSTS. These nasty ISPs are ruining the internet experience for the sake of a quick buck. They don't just want your money - they want ALL OF YOUR MONEY - AND THEY WANT TO LORD OVER YOU like a greedy troll. They are interested in censoring and control.

Who can game with caps? Not like YOU want to - but like I WANT TO. Like I was gaming in California (BTW they said they are going to roll out the caps in Cali too so if you aren't capped don't be surprised). I can't download all my games - I have Uplay, Origin, Steam... they are worthless in Georgia - I cannot engage in commerce because of the ISPs actions. And what blows away their silly excuses? You can get uncapped data by paying for the business plan. If they TRULY HAD ISSUES they wouldn't offer it AT ALL - but they will provide you with uncapped internet with the business option... which costs more... and is tiered... which I thought the FTC ruled against... dirty, thieving, party pooping ISP thugs. Nothing but a ransom to get more cash out of our pockets and the internet services we use.

Here is a protest pic, use it to show you don't want to be capped! No profit uses allowed!
Here is a protest pic, use it to show you don't want to be capped! No profit uses allowed!

So I provided a protest pic you can use (see caption) to show your discontent over the situation - and let them know you wont take it anymore. At least not in silence!