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NFS: Prostreet - Let me address this now that I've played it...

What the heck happened here? I didn't think it could get any worse than Most Wanted, but EA has found a spot below the bottom of the barrel with ProStreet. I played the PC version - virtually unplayable. Then i tried the console version - WORHTLESS. The venerable, reliable driving system is GONE here. Just like every other racer on the market, the driving is loopy and uncontrollable. The greatest advantage the NFS series had over all of the other racers was how well the cars handled - and that is LOST in ProStreet.

Also gone are any racing locations of interest. You get to race around in boring, monotonous "tracks". Lots of mind-nubing lap racing... wow, loads of fun EA... loads of fun.

There is no story - at least Most Wanted had a story. This is just mindless racing with no real purpose. And coupled with the control isues, this game is completely broken. Even the music sucked booty - still no option to eplace it with your own - and what happened to the Hip Hop tracks? What a sucky, waste of time and shelf space. Most Wanted was good for the trash can - but ProStreet was fit to be run over by the TRASH TRUCK - the trash can is too good for this screw-up.

Did EA change teams on us? What made them think we wanted to go from Underground to either of these two titles? Did they for get how successful Underground was? That underground was so good that they had to make an Underground 2??? what were they smoking? Even Most Wanted could have been slavaged - if they only got rid of the "rubberband AI". they didn't need to change the whole game concept, just allow us to get out in front AND STAY THERE! Everythiing else was great about Most Wanted, it was just the rubberband AI that screwed it up. Nobody complained about the story, the cars (well we could all use more customization, but), the missions, the mini-games or anything else - JUST THE STUPID RUBBERBAND AI! EA could have just fixed that - and at least on the PC STILL CAN - and that would have been fine.

But what do they do instead - make a complete "underhaul", and throw in some stupid graphic effects that even the console couldn't handle! Who cares about "blooming"??? Bloom what? Bloom a bland, lifeless, boring game that nobody cares about. Please EA - get back to what you did with Uderground 1 and 2, or just FIX Most Wanted (get rid of the rubberband AI) so we can once again enjoy the best racer ever - oh yeah, and no more floating cars, if you please...