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Warframe - I'm not that hard up....

Warframe developers DE have been destroying the enjoyment of the game methodically - as if they are unaware that there are other games out there. I'm just here to inform you, DE - I am not that hard up that I NEED to play Warframe. There are THOUSANDS of games I can play. I can EASILY FORGET YOU.

I would LOVE to play Warframe - but there have been changes that absolutely cannot be tolerated.

Changing existing characters, equipment, weapons in a drastic and negative way. They call it "nerfing". I call it inconsistency and total disrespect. You have a character that you use for defense mission because he has the one ability in the game that makes it viable - and you alter that ability so that it doesn't work properly anymore - breaking defense viability. That isn't an optimization - that is DE trying to slow down the game progress because they are trying to stop people from getting to end-game.

Changing systems in a way that breaks weapons - with no tweaking to make up for the issue you just caused. This happened with Damage 2.0 and Melee 2.0 - they were highly anticipated "optimizations" that turned out to actually be gigantic nerfs. All of a sudden our weapons didn't perform as well as they were before - and DE just seemed to sit back and laugh about it. Before Damage 2.0 came out, they even released a couple of high performing weapons - which were promptly nerfed under the new Damage system. It was like a cruel joke.

The latest is removing stats from items and making them purely cosmetic. Who needs it, then? Why would I play an area a hundred times for a "cute" helmet that does nothing for my character's performance? Rhino, for example NEEDS the Vanguard helmet - DE didn't tweak the frames to give them the FIXES the helms provided - so if your a new player there are going to be some broken frames - like a slow Rhino (I mean so slow he is still in the third room while the rest of the team is at the end - and that is not exaggerating. Even a fully maxed Rush can't help Rhino - he NEEDS Vanguard).

I already thought these MMO's were bad because of the cash cow tactics - but this isn't even cash cow - it's throat cutting. I'm not playing a game where you are a weak, pathetic loser who can't shoot his way out of a paper bag. I'm not investing in a company (and I haven't) that cannot resist destroying it's own product - that makes no fiscal sense whatsoever.

THAT SAID - I haven't played since last September (when they killed Frost and Vaulban). And guess what folks - I am still alive and thriving! I actually found other games to play - some of them every day! I check in to see how much more insanity they can pile on every once in a while - but thus far nothing has changed in a positive way to make me want to start playing again. I don't know what the kooky plan is over there - but I have no interest in getting the shaft further shoved up my nether regions... seez ya laterz, lame, crippled Tennos...