I saw this the other day and thought it was funny.
1. You can name at least 5 puritan authors and at least one of their major works.
2. You end everything you write with, "Soli Deo Gloria."
3. You will only allow t-u-l-i-ps to grow in your yard and the neighbor's around you.
4. You carry around your Martin Luther bobblehead so that during your frequent debates at least someone will agree with you.
5. You own either a Reformation Study Bible, ESV Study Bible, or a MacArthur Study Bible.
6. You yell "Charles Finney" when you stub your toe or someone cuts you off in traffic.
7. You emphasize the words elect, predestined, called, and so on in small groupswhenever you get a chance to read.
8. You celebrate Reformation Day every October 31st, even if you are by yourself.
9. You own various calvinist t-shirts.
10. You believe what the bible says.