Don't really have anything for this week so I'll spit out some random thoughts...
1. I love christian fellowship. By that I mean getting together with other family members in Christ and talking about God's Word and what God has done in our lives.
2. The Lord has been working in my life. For almost a year now I have hated my father for various things. I know hate is wrong and have gone to the Lord about it many times, but the anger is still there. I talked to a number of godly men about it and they told me to go talk to him about it. I've avoided that like the plague but it seems the Lord has left me no choice. Pray it goes well.
3. In my current studies I'm in Romans 2-3 and Psalm 96. Paul's letter to the Romans is amazing. He spends almost 3 chapters proving the utter depravity of man and why we need the gospel of Christ. I'm so thankful for justification by faith because goodness knows we could never earn or keep our salvation.
4. Lastly, been playing NCAA10 recently. Being a Florida Gator I couldn't be anything else n good conscience. Those of you who aren't gator fans I pray God grant you repentance.
5. I had pizza again the other day. If there isn't pizza in heaven I may come back although I'm not really worried about it. Manna in hebrew means cheesy covered bread.
6. Lastly, I'll leave with this quote from J.C. Ryle,
One plague of our age is the widespread dislike
to sound doctrine. In the place of it, the idol of
the day is a kind of jelly-fish Christianity--a
Christianity without bone, or muscle, or sinew--
without any distinct teaching about the atonement
or the work of the Spirit, or justification, or the
way of peace with God--a vague, foggy, misty
Christianity, of which the only watchwords seem
to be, "You must be liberal and kind. You must
condemn no man's doctrinal views. You must
think everybody is right, and nobody is wrong."