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The Same-Sex Gene?

You can read the entire article at CWMB.

This is one of those issues that ticks me off. After spending time studying this controversial topic it has become apparent how ignorant most are. Their opinions are emotionally based rather than logical, scieintific, or morally based. I have yet to hear one reasonable argument for the pro-homosexual position other thanthe usualtrying to intimitate others or stopping free-speech discussion in the name of intolerant tolerance. Even the atheist, if he or she in consistent, will be against the pro-homosexual position for numerous reasons. Anyway, I hope you read the article even though it is a bit long anda little technical. Here is an excerpt,

On July 15, 1993, National Public Radio (NPR) made a dramatic announcement on stations across the country: Was a team of scientists at the National Institutes of Health on the trail of a gene that causes homosexuality? Their report would be published the next day in Science, one of the two most prestigious scientific research journals in the world.

The discussion that followed explained for the listening public the implications of these findings for social attitudes toward homosexuality and for public policy concerning it. Science was on the verge of proving what many had long argued: that homosexuality is innate, genetic and therefore unchangeable-a normal and commonplace variant of human nature. In the light of these findings, surely only the bigoted or ignorant could condemn it in any way.

Shortly after the announcement, amidst a well-orchestrated blizzard of press discussions, there ensued the watershed legal battle over "Proposition 2" in Colorado. (This popularly enacted legislation precluded making sexual orientation the basis of "privileged cla$$" minority status, a status conferred previously only on the basis of immutable factors such as race.)

Among the many crucial issues raised by the legislation was the question as to whether homosexuality was indeed normal, innate and unchangeable. One prominent researcher testified to the court, "I am 99.5% certain that homosexuality is genetic." But this personal opinion was widely misunderstood as "homosexuality is 99.5% genetic," implying that research had demonstrated this. Certainly, that was the message promulgated by NPR's report on the recent research, and by all the discussions that followed. In a few weeks, Newsweek would emblazon across its cover the phrase that would stick in the public mind as the final truth about homosexuality: Gay Gene?"