Currently, I have a ps4 along with my pc; mostly for exclusive (uncharted, ratchet, bloodborne, god of war, ffxv, etc). I think its harder and harder keeping more than 1 system the older I get; just dont have the time for all these games honestly. May end up with 1 system by the end of this generation.
mahusayx's forum posts
none. i have no backlog with about 206 games on steam and a dozen or so on other platforms. i've learned to never buy games ill "eventually" play. plus, i have a fulltime job so i tend to be more picky nowadays.
sunshine 2 or galaxy 3 will be an auto win in my book.
knowing the difference between your wants and needs is the key to happiness.
i mainly play pc like you, but i'd say ps4 is worth for exclusives alone. i've even bought third party games on ps4 that are on pc. better fps/resolution doesnt always mean they're better to play on pc. i would rather play cod on my ps4 than my pc. i would rather play AC on ps4 than pc.
if ur a fan of From games, you're not going to be dissapointed w/ bloodborne.
lol at "everybody" ... i know a lot of people who buy playstation console just for one those titles alone
I wasn't a fan of the souls games but Im defiantly getting bloodborne. It looks so appealing to me.
no offense but if you didn't like souls, im not really sure how bloodbourne will make you feel any different; after watching many many gameplay videos, the core game is still a souls game. but hey, your money. :P
hope it turns out great, but im done relying on hype and pretty trailers. i'll wait a week or two after release then decide if it's worth getting.
just go with what you feel is best. personally, i own a ps4 but its ownly appeal right now is all hype;
it's all about games that aren't even coming out for another 6-12 months. sure im looking forward to p5, uncharted and bloodborne
but really it's all hype w/o anything else; i don't really recommend dropping $400+ (and more $$ for ps+) simply based on hope that those games will be great;
just look at 2014, so many hyped games that ended up becoming disappoiintments. PC on the other hand; the library speaks for it self. you can't go wrong.
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