Well, in order to keep this blog more active, I've decided to keep a gaming update. Since I change my choice of video games every week on Wednesday, which I'll be doing in two days from now, I will keep an update on my reaction of my week long gaming sessions. Here's my first weekly update:
Grand Theft Auto IV is a game I have been expecting to play for quite some time. I've held out on buying the video game for a few months due to lack of funds and interest. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the Grand Theft Auto series, but it isn't a game I'm enthralled to play. All I really hoped to enjoy, mostly, was the soundtrack. For the most part, it doesn't disappoint neither does it surprise in terms of quality. The storyline is okay, although I've only put about 5 hours into the video game.
Ninja Gaiden II has been somewhat of a disappointment so far... I'm still trying to complete chapter 5 at the moment. I wasn't expecting it to be so tough. Maybe I shouldn't have set the difficulty setting on Warrior. It's a lot tougher than I had expected. My overconfidence has really set me up for a lot of frustration in the last 4 chapters of Ninja Gaiden II. However, the werewolf looking creatures are surprisingly easier than I thought they would be. They're big and intimidating, their attacks are extremely powerful, but very easy to dodge and avoid even with the lunar staff which is my weapon of choice. I will continue playing Ninja Gaiden II until Wednesday when I am able to choose different video games.
I've also gone back to playing Devil May Cry 4, and I'm enjoying the harder difficulty setting, "Sons of Sparda". There are expectingly more chimerans, more plants like baddies, and more deadly demons which made it all the more fun that the easier difficulty setting. Although at times the gameplay can be frustrating, I never give up since the challenge and the test of my endurance keeps bringing me back into the game taking place in the universe of Devil May Cry 4.