Looking at the title you're probably thinking to yourself this is another PS3 bash or support blog. No, I'm here to inform the masses about the potential of......
Here are some of the games Atlus is responsible for:
Disgaea is a turn based strategy RPG. Beneath the cute and simple look of the sprites is a deep, time consuming, and highly addictive game. A lot of people who aren't into SJRPGs like Final Fantasy: Tactics should stay away from it. If you're into this type of stuff, you're in for a real treat.
Persona 3:
Not your typical RPG. Playing Persona 2: Eternal Punishment, I can tell you that. The game focuses on demons, gossiping, and building a social life. Persona 2 had great art direction, and Persona 3 obviously does too. Persona 3 seems to be a bit different in terms of gameplay and will stray from the Persona 2 storyline. I'm hoping Persona 3 will provide another unique experience.
Trauma Center: Second Opinion & Under The Knife:
I just recently picked up Trauma Center for the DS and the Wii. And I'm glad I did. Both games are great and are different from any type of game I've played before. The challenging, fun, and uniqe gameplay is something that is needed in this day and age. The interesting characters and storyline will keep you interested in the games as well.
Now, there's something you're probably noticing about all of the games I just listed. The graphics aren't something to boast about. Yes, true. This is why I put emphasis on the word "potential". This company has that to make itself become a powerhouse game developing team. Not that they aren't already, a lot of gamers just don't realize it yet. They have the ideas and creativity to make a bigger name for themselves to compete with big time developers like Square Enix.
My cousin, an average gamer (not too casual, not too hardcore), was turned off by Disgaea because of its graphics. He's a fan of the Final Fantasy series since FFVII, and he sometimes puts in 10 hour gaming sessions when he wants too. What I'm trying to say is, if Atlus gave a major enhanchement in its graphics to attract more gamers like my cousin, they could be giving top gaming devlopers a run for their money. Atlus probably doesn't have a huge budget like Square Enix, but imagine if they did.