The PlayStation 5 Pro was announced, and it looks like something I could be interested in, but at the same time it feels like It’s telling me to go PC next generation. With the mid life console upgrades every generation I probably should have a PC updating my specs every few years instead shelling out $700 for a console upgrade. At this this point I might as well go strictly PC since a lot of the exclusives are already going to PC eventually. The price of this upcoming console has influencers complaining, and I have yet to see any of regularly watched YouTuber post a video about anything positive about the PS5 Pro. I think it may be time for a lot of us console centric gamers to finally go PC and ditch the consoles. It’s something a lot of us have already done, and I’m considering as well. The PS5 Pro is not the way to go.
The price of the PS5 Pro is the main factor as to why a lot of gamers do not want to upgrade. It felt relieving when we saw the $500 price tag for the original PS5 making us hope to forget about the PS3’s $600 price tag which probably caused the PS3 to be the least successful PlayStation Sony has ever released. The barrier to entry for the PS5 Pro may cause new adopters to be stuck in a decision as to whether to get the original PS5, get the PS5 Pro, or wait for a price drop for it. If I were to just now get a PS5 Pro I’d be stuck at indecision myself. Already in Japan the sales of the PS5 have plummeted after the announcement of the PS5 Pro. I would say it might have been a poor business decision by Sony, but the PS5 Pro’s released date is in less than two months. So they’ll bear the brunt of the declining PS5 sales in hope that gamers are putting off their spending in hopes of upgrading to PS5 Pro for the holidays. I believe the PS5 Pro will give a boost in sales.
Another inconvenient feature is the online disc drive. I have dozens of PS5 discs. Having a mandatory online disc drive is a huge inconvenience. I really need to get smart and stop buying so many PS5 discs because when the server shuts down, these discs I paid hundreds of dollars for will become coasters. It’s a hard pill to swallow as I continue buying physical, and being the responsible adult that I am, I don’t even make time for the majority of games that I have. Not only is the online disc drive a step back in convenience, it cost $80. Along with the $700 price tag, it’s becoming very pricey. It’s obvious Sony is trying to force digital only games upon gamers, but I want to continue to resist by not upgrading to a PS5 Pro and sticking with my original PS5 that comes with a disc drive. I hate to imagine if my internet goes out, and my game shuts down just because I decided to stick with physical media.
There really aren’t any big upgrades to the PS5 Pro. Influencers in YouTube videos are mockingly looking at the slight difference in fidelity between the PS5 and the PS5 Pro and finding nothing. Mark Cerny showcases the “leap” in graphics like it’s a brand new console or the next generation. He’s not convincing me that it’s worth the $200 price increase he’s trying to sell me. I was hoping for an 8K resolution upscaling, but it doesn’t come with that and I’ll just have to hope for the PS6 to come with that. There’s combination with “fidelity” and “performance” mode that’ll allow the games to perform and look as good as they can on that system. But, it’s not worth a $200 price increase. I can see maybe $100. I would like to wait for a price decrease to even consider a PS5 Pro, but by the time that happens, PS6 will be right around the corner.
Journalists are predicting that the PS6 will release in four years. It’s not wise to buy a PS5 Pro when the next generation of consoles is right not too far off. I’ve spent thousands on the PS5, and I’m not even anywhere near done with what I have right now. I have nearly 200 PlayStation 4 games I haven’t even opened. I’m already a generation behind. Holding off on upgrading to a PS5 Pro is the smart decision. My PS5 games look fine the way they are. Sony is trying to milk every little penny out of its consumers, but we need to speak with our wallets by not buying into the minute $700 upgrade.
Sony has always had their mid console life cycle upgrades for each generation, but this seems to be the worst, and biggest mistake that they’ve ever made. It’s the cost of the PS5 Pro which is the biggest issue for most gamers. Personally, my biggest issue is the attachable online disc drive. I’ve been an advocate for physical media even with pressure to go digital. I like being able to trade in my games for money and discounts on other games I want to buy. There is no pressing reason to buy a PS5 Pro at the moment. My games may look a little uglier than they would on a PS5 Pro, but I think I can handle it.