I'm new to posting here, but have been playing gears since it came out. non-stop. Let me tell you that if I found a game that took my attention off gears1 for more than 2 days, than that was an amazing game. Gears is personally one of my all time favorite games, and it made me the xbox fan I am today. I am stressing this stuff because I want you to understand how much i mean it, when I say GoW2 is the biggest gaming disappointment to me for a longgg while.
Ya ya ya, people are saying "stop complaining" "they like the game".... but you know who says that? people who didn't like GoW1. Those are the noobs that ran around trying to play Gears like it was halo, and when they got owned, they turned off the game. It was truly a game of skill that those that devoted the time to it, could make it an adrenaline-rush, fun, exciting game. It had its flaws, but what game doesn't? (o ya Call of duty)... Filled with quitters, glitchers, host.. some people couldnt get passed these faults, which is understandable, but those that could, saw the game for what it really was and how spectacular it could be.
GoW2 multiplayer falls short in every category. Besides the crude match making system they tried to rip off of halo 3, the maps suck, the weapons are not balanced, I just keep on wondering what the hell EPIC was thinking. I could bad mouth EPIC or Microsoft, or the players or myself, but the truth is, they wanted more people to play. So they figured the fans would keep playing, and the ones on the fence, would like it and come play.
Every person that I know that didn't like Gears1, likes gears 2. On the other hand, my FULL friends list of people who played Gears1 religiously, has dwindled to about 5-6 people that still play gears2. If they ever fix the atrocity of a game it is now to half resemble gears 1, ill play. Otherwise, itll collect dust as I play the far superior CoD. Now theres a company that knows how to make games. RIP GEARS
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