Alright before i start with word of the week, a few short notes from yesterday which i couldn't be bothered posting. Firstly, Level 13! And secondly, a while back my computer screwed itself and i had to reinstall everything, but i couldn't reinstall the original DOW because i lost the CD key, so i was stuck with just DC. But yesterday i found the CD key, so now i am replaying the campaign for DOW, i'm already up to about the 10th mission.
Anyway, onto word of the week:
tam o'shanter -A Scottish hat with a fuzzy pompom on top, or just the pompom itself. Named after a character ina poem of the same name.
n00b - I had to put it in here, its just such a great word. We all know what it means and the basic history of the word, so I'll just leave you with this picture.
Quote of the Week: "We had gay burglars the other night. They broke in and rearranged the furniture." -Robin Williams
Man of the Week: Jack Burgess- because I rock!