Alright, before i start this week's episode, a quick note. The fate of WotW hangs in the balance. I am considering ending it and never doing an episode ever again. The reason behind this is that it seems like noone actually reads it, for example, the christmas special didn't get a single comment. So unless i get some feedback from people, telling me that you want it to keep going, i am going to end the series.If it comes to that, iwill not end it until after next week's episode, just so i get to 10 episodes. So if you care about word of the week, and want it to continue, please comment. Not very quick, i must admit, but anyway.
Now, on with the show.
Words of the Week:
lecanoscopy- the act of hypnotising yourself by staring at a sink full of water.
izzard- the actual name for the letter 'Z'
ucalegon- a neighbour whose house is on fire
Quote of the Week: "You can get much further with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone" - Al Capone
Man of the Week: Samwise Gamgee- Yes, I am talking about the character from Lord of the Rings. But seriously, Frodo got all the credit even though he was a little pansy, while Sam did all the work. Like when Frodo sides with Gollem, and tells Sam to go home, does he give up, no! He just keeps going, and eventually rescues Frodo's sorry ass from being eaten by a spider. And when they arrive at Mount Doom, Frodo is too pathetic to climb up, so Sam carries him. Samwise Gamgee is the most dedicated, loyal, and determined charater ever.
Now, this week, rather than thinking up the words myself, and painstakingly searching the internet for a good quote, i got all my words and the quote from the same source, and i would like to acknowledge it. They were all taken from 'Uncle John's Giant Australian Bathroom Reader' from the Bathroom Reader's Institute.
That's it for now, don't forget to comment. Thanks for reading and goodbye.