22, not counting the 9 months spent in the womb.
maknathol's forum posts
Throne Of Blood
Princess Mononoke
Murder By Death
City Lights
The Holocaust is the term used when describing the systematic killing committed by the Aryan race (otherwise the Germans) to other ethnic and religious groups in Europe and Russia (Mainly Slavs, Poles and Jews). Yet this blight has been used and abused to serve the interests and policies of nations, to force a Jewish home and to establish a choke point for the countries in the middle-east; keeping them from uniting and strengthening.
Threats to annihilate Jewish populations in mainland Europe began in 1933, when Adolf Hitler supreme ruler of Germany, made a public speech, declaring "The Final Solution", he meant by this is the solution to Germany's problem with the Jewish populace and Jewish abuse. This plan called for the total demise of every Jew in Germany and beyond. The public threats went about by German officials until the eruption of WWII, when the massacres actually started.
Now, upon pondering on these facts, one can't help but ask one's self:"Why haven't the Jews been pulled out of Germany in the midst of these substantial threats?" Hundreds of thousands of Jews could have been saved through deportation and bribery! (they were known to posses vast riches and connections). Powerful Jewish figures and rabbis could have aided them insurmountably! And also time was on their side! For Hitler officially unfolded his plans TO THE WORLD of massacring Jews in 1933, that gave them a 6 year window! Yet nothing was done, they were so engulfed in the Zionist dream, so bewildered by the Promised Land, that they perceived that the victims would be a necessity and a means to create the Jewish State. They were left to rot and die in concentration camps, when measures for saving them could have been erected. Vast numbers could have been saved. The Holocaust had been used as a tool from the beginning, the systematic killing of the Jews had been used as a tool by the allies and Zionists to enforce a Jewish state, to hide the magnitude of other massacres and to secure allied interest in the area through Zionist empowerment. The allies relished upon every Jew killed, for they knew that for every corpse buried, their position would ameliorate....no other logical reason can be conjured for failing the millions that perished from hunger, torture, forced labor and gas chambers.
Yet, the main reason for the amplification of the Holocaust was to divert attention from the massacres that were happening in Palestine against the Palestinian people and the to hide the fact that a few million people were forced out their lands and homes and schools and temples and were being robbed of their dignity and human rights, to be replaced by another population. The Holocaust was used as a diversion, to blindfold the eyes of the world community, in blurring the scale of the massacres and violations committed in Palestine by amplifying the significance of the Holocaust and make them focus mainly on the massacres that happened to the Jews and how they need to be recompensated.
Another reason for the abuse of the Holocaust was to validate the reason of enacting a strong Jewish nation in order to repel future assaults on it. Of course the real reason for fortifying Zionist Israel was to keep the middle-eastern countries weak; by years and years of conflict and war. Because the Ottoman Empire reached Vienna at some point in time, Islamic unity still caused fear in the mind of western leaders, fear of an Islamic/Arabic resurgence.
And by weakening the middle-eastern countries and by maintaining strong western influence in the area, through an overpowered pan-western watch dog, the allies could tap in on the vast natural resources of the region.
No one is advocating murder, but when such a tragedy is manipulated and used to cause more devastation; then it must be countered, for it had been transformed into something so vile that it sends no other message than that of greed, vengeance, "justified" mass murder and forced deportation.
Because human beings by nature, need something to abide to. In so, some smart prick understood that, and created "Religion" so people have something to follow, to fear. Of course, this galvanized into the all the rampant religions in the world today.
-I am lebanese.
-When i see a person, i look at their hands. My favorite Body parts.
-A Hermit since age 4. Now 20.
-Love Japanese movies and anime.
-The only thing that i hate and cant understand in this life is McDonalds.
-An Atheist.
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