I'm not bias in this matter, I've played a few hours of one or two of the devil my cry series back in the ps1 or two days and wasn't impressed enough to buy either of them.
A tip for people who think critics are paid for better reviews(My opinion,some probably are)-I'm going to review the games I already have for myself, then cross reference the scores from critics and follow the critic that was the closest to the score I rated. Everyone has likes and dislikes and they differ from person to person, We all have ideas of what changes should be made to the entertainment we all pay for.
Without players money devs(developers) have less for the next project.It is in the best interest of the gaming companies and players alike to enable and maintain some sort of communication between players and devs.
I say, if you feel the need, take your complaints straight to the developers, e-mail them, write letters, call. There is obviously a lot of disappointment surrounding this game.
Everyone has the right to voice their opinion, good or bad.The people complaining have a right to.Complaining about people complaining is just people trolling. Solution- More research from Devs about what players want in the next game and implement ONLY those changes.
and what they are(somewhat jokingly) implying in the video is to write your complaints intelligently, you are more likely for a response.
I agree and hold to the same principals when buying games, I'm not buying Need for Speed:Most wanted because It's $59.99 on PS store and $49.99 used at Gamestop, I check the USER ratings here at gamespot before I buy any game. I won't pay $60 a game. We'd all like to see a game that has all of the best attributes from the best games in the past few years rolled into one game, with a story everyone can relate to for $30 dollars. It would be the highest selling game in history.
malandrazi's comments