@Bexorcist GTX 770 would do the trick i'd imagine. I remember when BF3 was coming out and everyone was flipping out about upgrading their system. I had a Radeon 5770 at the time and I was able to run the game on Ultra with around 30fps average. Just remember with this game, the more GPU memory the better. I have a GTX 560 2gb from EVGA and I ran the Beta just fine..
I honestly don't mind when a game is delayed because it's always for a good reason. I would much rather buy a finished product than an unpolished one where they release patch after patch.
I'll be picking up Titanfall for the PC. Looks panda awesome.
For some people, a single game might change their decision. But honestly watch dogs reminds me of Assassin's Creed in the future.. Everything is strikingly similar down to the HUD and Animations. So that game doesn't really excite me as much as it may someone who didn't play all the AC games. Personally, I'm just excited to get my hands on Battlefield 4 and Drive Club for the PS4 on launch.
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