I'm about to do something I've put off doing for a long time. I just can't take it any longer, but I'm nervous as hell.
I have always played games on both consoles and PC's. Pretty much for as long as they have existed. Starting with the ADAM computer and the NES (actually I was one of those kids with the weird parents who bought them an Intellivision, but I played NES at friend's houses). Then came Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, and Duke Nukem 3D. And MOUSELOOK. Yeah, that's right, you could aim with your mouse. No more clumsy directional pads or keys to perform the delicate art of aiming a gun. I never looked back.
Through the years I've tried FPS's on consoles once or twice. I remember trying to play Golden Eye on the N64, the controls drove me crazy. The last time I remember trying was with DOOM 3 for the XBOX, again the controls were so clumsy compared to PC controls. Being able to quickly and consistently stop my cross-hairs on a single pixel in games like Half Life was just to easy. I was a mouse and keyboard snob.
But I just can't take it any more (this is the part where the PC fan boys may want to cover their eyes). Bioshock just came out for the PC and the 360 and I'm going to do the unthinkable (at least for me). I'm going to get the 360 version. I'm trying to imagine the learning curve that will be involved, since I'm essentially a FPS noob when it comes to consoles. Will the Bid Daddy's wipe the floor with my face? Most likely. But I'll be smiling through my tears. Know why? Because I won't be buying a new video card. Or any more RAM. I won't be paging through optimization docs trying to squeeze a few more frames per second out of my CPU. I'll put the Bioshock disk into my 360 and play. Isn't that what games are for?