So on thursday i got my new video card for this new pc i'm getting parts together for.
Its an Asus 8800gts and its pretty damn huge. I didnt really feel like taking photo's of all the componants i have so far so i will link to off site pictures, with the 8800 pictures dont do it justice to how big it is most of the time because its just huge....
This is what i've got so far:
Asus Nvidia Geforce 8800gts 320mb
(Second Card down on the first picture at the top)
MSI K9N Platinum Motherboard:
(First picture)
AMD Athlon 64 AM2 X2 4400+
That is what i have together so far for my new PC's tower, now i need ram, harddrive, power supply and case.
I already have a dvd writer i can put in the thing when i have the rest of the parts.
In other news i got a 2gig PSP memory stick the other day for quite a good price to use with the PSP i am planning on getting soon.
The store i'm getting it from doesnt sell PSP's that often but they only have white ones at the moment, which is fine by me. I plan on getting tekken dark ressurection for my first game. I dont know why i'm so excited about the prospect of an awesome tekken game in the palm of my hand....
You get the idea, sure its a stretched crappy quality youtube video but its undeniably awesome.
Also check out gamespot's video review. Keep in mind that just like DS video's online they dont look no where near as good when your playing it on the actual console picture quality wise cause of the size and type of screen.
At the moment i'm playing C&C3 on PC, its damn awesome folks, probably the best RTS i've played in a long time. I'm playing through the GDI campaign at the moment.