manachild / Member

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Ahmahgahd No Wai!

So i didnt pick up my copy of halo 3 the day it came out. I thought i was going to have to send in my xbox 360 for repairs but it turned out there was nothing wrong with it and i had gotten the whole situation wrong. Those markings on the back of the disc werent scratches and all my friends xbox 1 games had them on it in the same perfect circle rings and hes never played them in a 360. Further more the Xbox 1 games that read error in my 360 occasionally never do it in his xbox. But since i thought i wouldnt have an xbox 360 in time for the halo 3 launch i went and spent my money put aside to finish paying off the preorder on something else (Cough grandia 2 on dreamcast). Which obviously turned out to be a bad idea. Not because Grandia 2 is a bad game... i love it. But now i have to wait until friday to get halo 3. I got to play it Co-op with a friend though but to be honest i think i was a little naieve to expect too much of the game. Its one of those games that i feel you already have to like halo to enjoy, because in my oppinon halo 3 is little more than just the same sorta thing with better graphics. There is nothing ground breaking about it.

I look forward to multiplayer though, which is why i'm still anxious to pick up my CE edition of the game that my friend has held aside for me at my local store with my $20 deposit. Speaking of deposits i preordered Virtua Fighter 5 for xbox 360 today using a $50 gift voucher i had for EB games, i'm really looking forward to it because i want a change from playing DOA4 online for my next gen fighting fix.

I'm still playing the crap out of my dreamcast.... its times like these when i sometimes cant help thinking "man games arent what they used to be" at least to me, i just remember enjoying games in general alot more. I know that sounds weird considering i enjoy modern games alot too but it isnt the same, i dont know how to explain what i'm trying to say.

I've been playing through the metal gear solid games lately and i'm playing MGS2 atm after finishing MGS1 last week on the Gamecube. I enjoyed that game alot, and dont think i've experienced a game in a setting like that with such a good story. I've become far too accustomed to the stereotpyical tom clancy game **** i think.

Speaking of tom clancy i bought rainbow six vegas about a month ago, because i originally ordered bioshock twice before it came out. Once online and once at a local store. I ordered it locally because i figured that with the online store it would take a few days for them to ship it to me so iw ould have wound up with 2 copies of the game. So anyway close to release i got my online order switched for rainbox 6 vegas. And that game disapoints me. It isnt awesome at all lol. I personally think gamespot overrates it alot.

Playing grandia 2 lately i've realised that not all rpg's need to have the deepest most epic final fantasy style story to be good. Stories that are simple but engaging mixed with interesting characters do the job just as well if the balance is done right. Which is why i enjoy Grandia 2, its a light hearted good game that i really enjoy.

I love deep final fantasy style stories but sometimes its a bit much and i cant stand it.