Before the xbox came out.... to me you were a little weird if you were a microsoft fan. Why?. Because before the xbox came out you had probably been exposed to microsoft through windows unless you were from a long line of mac users or were using linux. There was also the aspect that to keep up in the information technology industry or went to college and where using thier PC's in tandem with the one you used at home. While you can get office and what not on mac, i'm speaking in a generalist way of thinking, for the average computer user. Which leads me to my next question, how could you have been a fan of a company that made an operating system that you were theoretically forced to use and didnt have any other alternatives if you were to co exist in mainstream computer society?.
Which brings me to another aspect of this discussion: People who excitedly get new Windows Operating systems on the day its released. Wake up call people, it is cold hard fact by now that Microsoft Operating systems are horribly buggy and broken when thier first released, why havent people learnt thier lesson by now. Vista is no exception to this rule.... , People who preorder MS Os's are just as funny.
Which makes me curious, what was everyone thinking when microsoft announced the xbox?, what caused your anticipation?, the fact that you thought microsoft were masters of software therefore the xbox would be good, or was it the power of the hardware that drew your attention. I'd really like to know, because based on microsofts other work where did all the hype come from. I'm not saying that everything microsoft does is doomed to fail. The 360 is kicking some serous ass. But i'm just saying, given the instability and security issues of windows what was it about the xbox that had everyone excited before it was released. Was it the power?, was it the games?, was it something else?
I have always wondered this and would like peoples oppinions on the matter. If people want to know what i thought, here it is:
"Microsoft are making a gameing console eh?, they sure do need thier fingers in every pie it seems.... " and then later "yeah the xbox thats that system thats only good game is halo or something" then later i got one and the situation had greatly improved, but it wasnt until after i got fed up and sold mine that things started to pick up. Luckily the 360 is doing alot better. But what gave anyone anything to go on back then?.