manachild / Member

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Even most fanboys arent this ignorant....

My 360's Disc Drive Died today... and when i told one guy about it, he said this:

red5 500: ive never heard of a 360 dying
red5 500: all my friend who have them have no issues
red5 500: i have no issues
red5 500: a defective 360 is pretty much unheard of
red5 500: at least in the US

red5 500: nah dude
red5 500: we really dont have issues
red5 500: it must be pal 360s or something

red5 500: the red light issue is pretty much considered a myth

I didnt even offer a retort i just blocked him straight away i didnt even know wh ere to begin with this one.....

That guy is the most ignorant **** on thep lanet. Even alot of 360 fans agree the 360 has problems but this dude takes the cake for blind fanboyism.

Its fine to say that your or your friends havent had problems, but to say you have never heard of a 360 dying. Thats a blatant lie. Especailly when petermoore pretty much came out and admitted that things were unacceptable. Why would you need 3 years 3 red light warrenty if you didnt need it.