And i like number 3 the best. To me it has the best sense of closure and it has the best bosses in the entire series. The battle i had with the end was very interesting and cool, i enjoyed it alot. It requires patience though.
Metal Gear Solid 2 had me quite confused by the end. I'm not even sure whether i quite understand fully. That last group of com conversations and cutscenes before you fight solidus snake where excessive in my oppinon not because i'm saying that the story base content of it was garbage but because i couldnt help but zone out during it no matter how interested i was in it. That and my dinner was ready at the time and i was hungry but at the same time i knew i couldnt pause the cutscene so i waited it out. But as a result i didnt digest all of the information. I think i would have to beat that game again to understand better.
I am looking forward to Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots alot.... i dont have a playstation 3 at the moment, but even if for some reason it only ends up being a timed exclusive for PS3 i'd rather get a PS3 and that game to avoid waiting. I'd consider myself a pretty big fan of the series now, and its now up there with my favourite series of all time.
The fact that i can also get eventually Final Fantasy XIII, Ninja Gaiden Sigma (never played original or black), Tekken 6, and some others doesnt hurt either. But i guess in a manner of speaking i would be buying a PS3 more or less to play metal gear solid 4.
Now i'll probably work on finishing god of war and grandia 2. Up until yesterday i'd never played God of War before but had heard many times that it was an excellent game. Well now i have it, and i can see why so much good is said about it. For a ps2 game its got great visual's and its action packed and alot of fun.
My Copy of Grandia 1 should be arriving sometime this week. I managed to get a brand new and sealed playstation copy for a good price from a vendor i buy from quite frequently.
My Pal copy of Grandia 2 for dreamcast turned out to be a very good buy. The seller said it to be in very good condition and they werent over exagerating. The disc has no scratches on it at all. Whats great is, the NTSC version i started playing on's saved game is compatible with my PAL copy of the game. It loaded up fine.
I like alot of other people here got halo 3 but ... i havent gotten around to finishing it yet. I like it, but its definatly not a strong game of preference. Meaning that i ignored it and beat mgs2 and 3 and left it to gather dust in my wardrobe where my other 360 games are sitting.