As we all know today is good friday, well in australia it is anyway since were ahead in time.
And my family and i are going to visit my uncle and aunt in hervey bay. I dont have to go, but i want to i suppose. And now that i have my Nintendo DSlite with me i dont have to be bored for the 5 hour drive.
I'm up to the last Level in New super mario bro's.
I'm half way through Phoenix Wright (alittle over half). And hotel dusk i've still only played once.
Castlevania portrait of ruin, well that games hard but i'm getting there.... need to level up i guess.
Anyway i dont mind going to my relatives in hervey bay because my uncle is pretty awesome and fun to talk to and i guess i just want to get out of the house for a while. Anyhow i'll see you guy's later. Take care and happy gamespotting :)