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Got my PSP :)

Got it on the way home from the coast, a white ceramic coloured one (will post pictures in a latter blog entry).

I've been playing heaps of tekken dark ressurection on it, and i'm still waiting for street fighter zero 3 double upper to arrive in the mail, also i have recently ordered DJ Max Portable 2 for PSP and am waiting for that also.

I really like the feel of the console when i hold it, its very comfortable in my hands and i would go as far as to say its more comfortable to hold than the DS lite. However unlike the DS lite, where its laptop style design protects the screens from getting damaged, with the psp you dont have anything so i suggest that everyone who gets one gets a decent carry case for the thing.

Its screen is very nice quality and movies and games display very nicely. Tekken dark ressurection on psp comes close to tekken 5 for ps2 graphics and the game handles exactly how i remember tekken 5 handling on the ps2. This has got to be one of the best to portable games i've ever seen. At the time this was released it was only out at arcades tho so this game doesnt count as a ps2 hand me down.

I havent gotten a chance to update the firmware to version 3.30 yet because my internet isnt working at the moment. So i'm on the factory preinstalled 2.71 patch that came already on the psp.

The battery in my experience so far lasts around 5-6 hours maybe a little less if your just playing games and dont have the volume super high and arent playing movies and stuff where the disc is being read constantly. My DS lasts 8-10 hours on 1 battery charge on the brightness level 3rd from the highest but then again the DS is mostly just chip and circutry inside the psp has a optical drive a better graphics processor and faster hardware so i think its kinda a given the fact that it doesnt last as much time on 1 battery charge. HOwever there are supposedly custom batteries available from other countries for psp that last longer.

Is the psp better than the DSlite? well no you cant really compare them in my oppinion they both have thier good and bad points, the psp has the superiour screen quality, more comfortable to hold and can do more things, aswell as have better graphics. But the DS has some really great games that make some very innovative uses of the touch screen. Lance will know the part on phoenix wright where you have to take finger prints in the evidence room and blowing the powder off as one of those innovations.

The DS's battery lasts longer which is a good thing for the DS, and since it takes cartridges the loading is almost instant.

Although the loading on Tekken: DA isnt very long, its quite quick actually.

A cool video of DJ MAx Portable that shows one of the cool songs:

Street Fighter Zero 3:

and tekken DA... no video's do it justice, they look like crap compared to how it is when your playing it on the actual psp