So this is how it went down.
My friend Colton a guy i met on world of warcraft was having some problems with his frame rate in the game. I automatically went into problem solve mode. I used to work at a computer shop in town doing work like this as a tech so i thought i might be able to help out.
First i asked him whether he made a habit of frequently updating his video card drivers. He said no so i proceeded to explain to him where to download the latest "ATi" Drivers for his Radeon X600pro and how to install them.
When he came back on Vent he explained that his Windows UI was now running all laggy. I have experienced this before so i suggested to him what had worked for me in this situation. I got him to uninstall all ATi Graphics drivers, Restart his PC, Run Driver Cleaner Pro with the mode set to "ATi" and restart his pc so he could install a fresh set of drivers just incase windows was having a driver conflict with left over files from the past install.
I havent seen him on vent or msn since i asked him to try that. Imagine how **** i feel right now. Graphics drivers are just supposed to work especially if you havent changed video cards and are just updating, this isnt some form of arcane procedure reserved for the tech geek's..........
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