Ok i admit it, i'm in love with my DS lite.
Today i purchased an additional 3 games:
New Super Mario Bro's
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Hotel Dusk Room 215
New Super mario Bro's brings alot of memories back from the old nintendo days when i was younger and i'm a sucker for gameplay that feels nostalgic.
I'm new to Castlevania admittedly, i did play one of the snes games a long time ago but i dont remember it very well and i definatly didnt finish it.
Portrait of ruin seems pretty nice so far, i like the anime style presentation of the character portraits in dialogue and the short intro cutscene.
Hotel Dusk Room 215 is still in its shrink wrap and i am yet to play it. But it seems like an interesting game as it makes you turn your DS up on its side. I really like mystery adventure games that make you think so i should enjoy this.
I'm still up to the first main case on phoenix wright i havent been over playing it because before today it was the only game that i had on hand since i'm still waiting for castlevania: dawn of sorrow to arrive in the mail since the company i ordered it from had to back order it for me.
Speaking of backorder i really want to get my mit's on advance wars: dual strike sometime too. That game looks pretty cool.
Stalker is going well too, i'm starting to notice a few bugs in the game but for the most part thier not enough to hamper my enjoyment of the game over all. Hopefully GSC game world and THQ come out with a patch for it soon to address these issues.
Hopefully for you Vista users out there they address some issues when running that game under vista, i suppose i dont have to worry about that at the moment tho since i'm still content to use Windows XP SP2 until Direct X 10 really starts to take off.
I have this weird feeling that Crysis might be the game to start off that PC gaming revolution, and its only coming out Q3 supposedly.
So at the moment i see absolutely no need to install and run vista.
I attended another Lan party on wednesday and i have to say i'm impressed with Scarlett and Rhoades's new 22" Widescreen monitors. However i dont really have room on my desk for it since my desk is a nightmare. Not because its nessesarily untidy but because i have my tv on it, my computer monitor and the gaming console i have plugged up to it at that given time. At the moment that is final fantasy XII, at the moment my Wii isnt plugged up until some more games that i'm interested in playing come out for it.
I admit that i still havent finished Zelda i'm about 3/4's of the way through it but when i first got my Wii i played that game way too much and now i'm a little burnt out and need some time off from it. I occasionally still plug up my Wii however because i have a couple of gamecube games that i'm casually working on finishing when i feel like playing them.
Titles for this include Metroid Prime 2: Echo's and Resident Evil 0.
Yet again i will state that i absolutely love my DSlite and would like to thank again my gamespot buddies for recomending this system and some great games for it for me to consider.
Pretty sad that i've already got more games for this system than my Nintendo Wii :lol: