So i finished Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney today. I have to say that while the game was great i felt empty after beating it. Probably because i wanted more but realised at the same time that if the game had of been any longer it would have been too long. Believe me, Phoenix Wright is a very long game for an adventure game.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney has 5 cases in total, the first serving as a tutorial of sorts where you have to defend your friend larry who has been framed for the murder of his ex girlfriend. This beggining case helps show the player how everything works inside the games court room, the tutorial goes through presenting evidence, finding contradictions, and pressing statements to get the witness to elaborate when you cross examine.
Each case has been very well written and each are very interesting to work through. Lack of animation in the characters animeish artwork hardley is noticed because of such well written dialogue.
Phoenix Wright is a very linear game and there is never more than one way to do anything and because of this sometimes your left scratching your head trying to figure out what to do next. A side effect of this is that this game leaves you with absolutely no desire to replay it.
The Ds's touch screen's functionality in the game isnt really that well highlighted until you reach the last case, a bonus case added into the game especially for the western ds release. Keep in mind that the original version of this game in japan was a GBA title, so they probably couldnt have drastically changed the existing cases without making some of the parts completely different.
One of the touch screen features in this final case really blew me away and gave me a feeling i rarely get when playing games, a sense of amazement of sheer originality.
In this specific example, you are taking finger prints in an evidence room, and you are required to sprinkle the powder onto the print using the stylus and then it asks you to blow the powder away to reveal the print. I have to admit that at first i wasnt sure what it expected me to do and i spent 30 seconds or so thinking "whats the blow button?" until i finally realised that this game actually wanted me to blow away the powder by blowing on the touch screen. I couldnt believe it....
I'm glad i chose this game as my first DS title because at the time i wasnt expecting to be able to purchase another game until around 1-2 weeks afterwards because i didnt have anymore money and my descision to pick up this title was very wise as it is a very lengthy game.
I am now really wanting to pick up phoenix wright 2. The first game has made a fan out of me.
Who could have thought an adventure game where you play the role of a defense attorney could be so satisfying. The looks on the witness's faces when you find contradictions sometimes is priceless and quite comical.
You may be wondering why i didnt write a review for this game in the correct section. The answer is that i'm still new to this review writing idea and accordingly still havent gotten down pat the structure and different writing technique, writing these things is different from writing a story and i'm finding structuring this quite difficult so it looks all over the place.
On the PSP Front i have been playing Tekken Dark Ressurection and Street Fighter Zero 3: Double Upper (Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max, i call it Zero 3 cause i have the japanese version) and am impatiently waiting for DJ Max Portable 2 to arrive in the mail.
I made a mistake buying 2 fighting games in such close proximity without getting something else to mix things up, because now i'm totally sick of beating people up for the most part since in my excitment of getting the psp i've over played the thing a little bit and will probably end up taking a break from it until my new game arrives.
I can get another PSP game on monday if i wish to, but i'm conflicted as to whether i should get:
Metal Gear Solid Portable Op's (PSP), Mega Man Maverick Hunter X (PSP), Initial D (PSP), Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: And Justice For All (DS), Or the first DJ Max Portable game so that i can transfer all the song data onto my memory stick from the original and double the catelogue of songs i have to play through on DJ Max Portable 2.....
I guess logically i should get the game thats harder to get readily, but if i do that and i fall into the trap of non variety again i'm going to get brain dead again from no variety.
Dont get confused and think that i hate the 2 psp games i have already, its just that i need variety i suppose.
Anyway in a weeks time i'm ordering the Ram for my PC, after that is done all i need for my new PC Box is a new harddrive, case and power supply.
On the topic of new current gen systems... i still feel conflicted over the 360 and PS3, why? because the PS3 will have tekken 6 ...... and i prefer the playstation controller, not because its nessesarily better but because i'm used to it. I guess i could get both eventually but for now i'm trying to cover most bases with 1 system as i can for now.... Virtua Fighter 5 is coming out on 360 check... Devil May Cry 4 Check, Resident Evil 5 Check, Blue Dragon Check, Lost Odysee Check, Gears of War Check, .... i cant think of any others right now... but as you cans ee i probably should just STFU and get a 360 but i think i have a stupid brand loyalty problem perhaps :(