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Oh thats right!, I have a blog.... *Puts down DJ Max P2*

I've been too caught up in playing DJ Max Portable 2 to update this thing with any current happenings. But let me tell you folks. That game is INSANE and damn addictive.

Finally a game that not only lived up to the hype and anticipation but exceeded it!. I have not had this much fun playing a game in far too long. The game is hard, sure... but when you achieve something in it, its really really satisfying, and to know that your actually playing the song and it wouldnt sound right without you is also another bit of icing on the cake.

DJ max portable 1 should be arriving in the mail on monday along with my PSP carry protector case that i decided to order at the same time while i was at it. Phoenix Wright 2 will be arriving with it i expected it to come yesterday but it didnt hence why it says i'm playing PW2 when i'm not... not until monday anyway, saves me adding it on monday however. According to UPS my package is in Brisbane so it will be here first day after the weekend for sure, things always come the next day from brisbane, especially if its courier.

I've also given DJ Max Online a shot and i must say that its a little harder than the PSP version, the reason why this is is because in the DJ Max games when you land blocks to play the song, the accuracy of the land will give you a percentage rate, from 0-100%. It seems that the PSP version is more forgiving with the timing of the landing and gives you that extra split second room for error that the pc version doesnt.

The PC version has a few songs that i recognise from people playing DJ max portable 1 so that was good to see that there were some familier tunes there along with some other new really great ones.

DJ Max Online is free to an extent in that you can sign up and download it for free and they give you 111 songs that you can play for free. You can also on a free account battle other DJ's to head on head song plays using powerup's from catching certain items when you are landing combo's to play the song to hamper the other DJ. Some of these include faders, speed up's and slowdowns or a haze that fog's the area near where the block landing line is. The fader makes the blocks fade in and out to put you off unless you have practically memorised the song. The speed up's give you the illusion that the blocks are coming at you faster by making them come down faster but making the gap between the blocks longer (This is actually an advantage when you toggle it in single player mode because sometimes if you dont have the game set to the right speed a really fast song with really crazy block lines will confuse you with what you have to press first because the blocks will be far too compactly clustered together.). Slowdowns have the opposite effect, blocks move slower but are cramped together more.

What the PC version doesnt have that DJMP2 has is the fever bar and these thick pipe looking blocks that you have to swivel the analog stick to clear. The fever bar is this thing that charges up every time you hit a block, when it completely charges up you tap the x button and for a limited time, every block that you hit gets x2 score.

What isnt free about DJ Max Online is premium content. Premium content includes extra song pack's, custom avatar pictures, and other little dress up knicknacks if your into that sorta thing. Buying premium songs is a hell of a deal actually, costing only approximatly $14 Australian to activate 300 premium tracks on your account (There are over 1000 from what i hear in total).

One thing that is a rip off about this game, is avatar's, they cost a surprising amount of money for what they actually are. But i guess that if you bought $50 Australian worth of DJ Max Credits to buy 900 premium tracks and a avatar that isnt quite so bad of a deal at all if you think of it in a package kinda way. This all said, the games music is great, on both the portable and PC version, and the music is well varied in genre. There is everything from Rock, to Trance, Dance, Korean Pop Music, Techno, Hardcore (in a electronica sense), RnB, Hip-hop etc.

Graphically the game is very colourful, and features a visualisation ranging from animeish to weird and colourful drawscapes (thats not even a word i know) for each song that is shown to the side of the screen (if you have the game section set to the left or right) or on both sides (if you have the game section set in the middle). The only problem with the PC version is that the game only displays in 1 resolution and look's not as good as the PSP version when its compacted to the PSP's screen size. Just so nobody is mislead ... while DJ Max online and DJ Max portable are both made by the same company and feature some of the same songs, thier actually different games with the same game play so the PC version i'm describing isnt exactly the same as the PSP version. The PSP DJ max games definatly look more vibrant though, whether thats because of the screen or because of the fact that the games resolution is especially tweaked for the PSP i dont know.

Anyway i'm totally in love with this game and cant stop playing it. And anyone who owns a psp who is into music or rythem games should check it out. Even if you arent currently, if you have ever been curious about these sorts of games you should definatly check it out. Not to mention that both portable versions of the game have an english option so that you dont have to read any korean at all!

PC owners can try out the pc version by following the instructions found in both these forum threads on the DJ Max International Website: (Sign up Guide)

Once you have followed this guide click on the game start picture on the website after you have logged in to trigger the flash based downloader and installer. (Please note that you need East Asian Language pack installed to install this game since the installer is in japanese. Note that most of the text in the actual game is in english however). (Premium Guide) (Font Changer, Which you will need if you want to be able to read the song selection and chat window text properly.)

In Closing here is a video of the PC version in action (With the visualisation turned off).