So lately i've been playing World of Warcraft Burning Crusdade, a friend of mine gave me one of thier accounts for free so i've been playing on that and it just happened to have a burning crusade expansion registered to it.
I've been playing a Dranaei Priest and so far i'm level 26.
I've also been getting my feet wet with metal gear solid. I now own MGS 1 twin snakes for gamecube and MGS2 for PS2. Both are awesome games but i find the Gamecube version a little easier to controll especially when peeking around corners then shooting for some reason.
In other news my MGS Portable op's preorder still hasnt come in and i'm quite annoyed by that, i have added valkyrie profile lenneth for psp to my list of psp games, and my video card blew up for my pc so i had to borrow one until i finish my pc. Which wont be much longer anymore since my hand is forced to hurry up a bit more about it since icant borrow this 6600 forever obviously.