manachild / Member

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Time for another blog.....

So, since my last blog i have leveled my World of Warcraft Character to 70 and now i dont know what to do lol. I could raid, i could pvp, but right now i dont feel like doing any of that. Not because i'm bored but because there is alot of stuff that i could do and i just dont know where to start. That and the fact that i dont earn xp anymore is a weird feeling. Somehow when i turn in a quest only to get money and no xp even tho i'm at the level cap it just feels off for some bizzare reason. I'm sure i will get used to it though.

As some people may know by now, i now have an xbox 360. Yes... after all that ranting **** i actually bought the microsoft console. Kinda hipocritical huh?.

Meh, i'm happy with the console so far and so far my cpu hasnt burnt out so i'm happy. I swear that that is the reason why these things 3 red light. Cause the cpu's burn out or because microsoft uses shoddy heatsinks and fans to cool the cpu or something like that. I mean the smaller process will help for sure when they finally go to it but.... 90 isnt unmanagement with a proper cooling solution.

Out of the 7 games i currently own for 360 i've only finished 2 though. The Darkness and Gears of War, but with gears of war i didnt even make any real progress in the game until a friend and i played it Co-op. I just couldnt be bothered playing it on my own.

So besides all of this i've been reading thomas covenant... I've read another 4 chapters of it today, and am enjoying it so far. For a while i couldnt find the motivation to read but i got what i needed again when i decided to read clive barkers cabal again.