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mandeep1295 Blog

metroid online?want a metroid deal?look here!

Hey. My second blog and something  believe you'll like. UK gamers look here. If you're a UK gamer looking to buy metroid prime 3 for the wii, look no further. Just go to and preorder metroid, in the offer code box thing on the side, type in wii-consoles and you'll get £5 off straight away and 28 days after buying, considering you haven't used it, you can return the game. Hve any questions, comment and Ill send you a message. By the way, the offer code is working until like soon so hurry up and  do it NOW. Oh and also, the code works on everything over £35.

 Right now, about the game. I've preordered. HELL YES. But now im scared. Will it have online or even normal multiplayer? I hope so. There's been tons of speculation over this topic and damn its hurting me. The nintendo fact sheet USED to say it won't have any multiplayer at all, and then suddenly, a 4 month delay. Huh? The developers said they were polishing gameplay, graphics and working with the WiiConnect 24 system. Now this doesn't mean that there will be online, maybe it'll just be new maps and such (yeah right) but multi player sounds probably. Check out this cutting from some game magazing that I forgot the name of.

Oh yeah. Thats right people. Pretty probable. Also, one of the senior managers behind the game at a press conference managed to talk about the WiiConnect24 and he said something like this. "As an example of good use of the WiiConnect24 system, we will use METROID PRIME 3 CORRUPTION." Hell yeah. Also, follow this link to see how MPH may link up with MP3.

Oh chizzle. I lost the link. Any way, if you go to the MPHunters menu, and go to the network thing, and then click on the wifi settings or something, and with a tooth pick, tap the to left corner of the screen, something comes up which may be a link to how the Wii and DS will link up together in Metroid, maybe. Anyways, Metroid probably will go online or atleast have multiplayer, (lets hope its more polished than MP2). I'm getting the game regaurdless of wether it has online or not...maybe.

metroid 3 vs mario galaxy

okay. mY first blog post. Wopdeeeedeeee but im not writing many more. I just need to know what to get. Mario Galaxy or Metroid Prime 3 (for the wii of course). Lets do a comparison shall we? although it wont help me.

 Which game has the best graphics?





Yes i do think metroid looks slightly better. Its nice and colourful and has great lighting effects. That doesnt mean mario looks bad. It has some big universe and nice details but im preferring metroid.

 Gameplay? Well i would rather shoot alien dudes than run through flowers, and then later come across a giant spider (yay) but still, i havent played them yet.


Lifespan.Hmmmmmmmm. Again i do not know but mario games have always been kinda big while metroids kinda medium and hard.


 Price. OH SHUT UP MANDEEP. i have no idea about what these games are like so i dont know what to get!!!!!And to make this worse, WHAT ABOUT SUPER SMASH BROS. If u bovered reading, please comment.oh and i no this sucked BUT ITS MY FIRST BLOG.