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Rift experience

Generic gameplay, quests and graphics.

I didn't find anything bad, but I didn't find anything that good. Everything felt normal. It's like a cup of water. Tastes the same every damn time.

Give it a try if you're really bored or if it's your first MMO. But if you're bored of WoW, Aion, GW, L2 or whatever and you're looking for a new MMO, you'll find one in Rift, but it won't be as "new" as you'd expect. It's the same MMO formula that has been used for almost 10 years now.

I'm not saying you won't have fun and certainly there are some improvements needed regarding gameplay. But "been there, done that".

The Market is filled with MMO's atm, most of them free and 2 or 3 really good and worth paying for (WoW being one of them). Why would someone leave World of Warcraft or Aion to play a totally similar game from the start all over again?

Yeah, thought so.

Anyways, it's still BETA, but the game is coming out in a month, so don't expect major improvements to the gameplay.

Skill system shows some promise, but doesn't add up to a total fresh feeling that a new game should do (unless, as I said before, you're a MMO virgin).

Rift Beta Invitation!

Today I woke up and I had this on my e-mai!

You've been selected to participate in this week's RIFT™ beta event

This is a good chance to evaluate gameplay and such. I'll post all the news in here!

I have high hopes for Rift.

FFXIII-2 Good or Bad news?

Just read about it

So, what does this mean? We all know FF13 was a success with more than 5milions sold all over the globe, but a very high % of FF fans (can't say the number for sure) didnt like it and ended up with €50-70 useless paper-weight.

FFXIII-2 can either mean more of the same or a turn for the best. Considering the "fan feedback" thing, there is room to hope that Square won't take the same path as in previous installments of FF and take a more purist approach to the game.

We all miss a true final fantasy! Since FFIX that we don't have anything like it (I still love X, but the PSX trio are just the best of the series imo).

Waiting and hoping for more (good) developments from Square.

Please revive Final Fantasy =)


I'm on college vacation (everything is going good) and I've been poking around every website trying to figure out a good game to play while Im at home being bored.

At the moment I'm trying the new Omerta 3.0. It may sound lame, but I find it very entertaining!

Rift? and Factions!

So I'm still looking for a new mmo to play after Aion.

What can you guys tell me about Rift?

The MMO I really wanted to play is Star Wars but that's only in a few months and I need my games! :D

Do you agree with the whole faction thing? In my opion that kinda sucks....if you lose the faction crap, you get a more enjoyable game experience overall. I guess it's to make pvp easier, but you can easily make a FREE-PVP system with consequences just like Lineage 2. Playing a faction based game instantly means that the community will be half of what it could really be.

I read the description for this game TERA and they'll have PVP and a non-faction MMO. Sounds promising.

Dunno why every MMO company feels like they have to copy WoW in this sort of things. Yeah, WoW has a great faction based community, but it doesn't mean every single MMO in the future need that sort of thing.





Star Wars The Old Republic

ANd those are the ones I played and know about. Cut the faction thing, PLEASE!