There has been a controversy with this game regarding stereotypes and I thought it wasn't that big of a deal. While I was playing the demo I found a fact that probably would offend certain people. Two types of people will shoot you if you pull out a gun, cops or every black man on the street. I'm not kidding every last one will pull out a pistol. I'm really hoping this isn't in the actual game
manga777 Blog
How easy umds break
by manga777 on Comments
The PSP Go is great because the games are on the PSP and not on umds which break sometimes after less than a year. With downloaded games you will have them longer. The only downside is that you have to buy all your games again or keep your psp and take very good care of the games. If you don't have a PSP yet it is better than a regular psp, over time you will spend less money.
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