Said a boy to his teacher one day, "Wright hasn't written 'right' right, I say." Said the teacher with great pride and a twinkle in her eye, "Right! Wright, write 'right' right, right away!"
Literally literary (Say this three times fast.)
A canner exceedingly canny
One morning remarked to his granny,
"A canner can can anything that he can,
But a canner can't can a can, can he?"
Ape cakes, grape cake (Say this three times fast.)
I saw Esau kissing Kate.
Fact is, we all three saw.
I saw Esau, he saw me,
And she saw I saw Esau.
When a doctor gets sick and another doctor doctors him, does the doctor doing the doctoring have to doctor the way the doctor being doctored wants to be doctored, or does the doctor doing the doctoring of the doctor doctor the doctor as he wants to do the doctoring?
I have a ton of these things. I love 'em! ^_^ What do you think of them? Stupid? Funny? Weird? -lol-
Pic (from DNAngel):
Quote: "I hope that when I die, I will go peacefully in my sleep just like my grandpa and not like the screaming passengers in his car."
Random Fact: If a statue in a park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle; if the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle; if the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes. (Many thanks to Smithguy1234 for this random fact! :))