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First Platinum Trophy

Alright, so I'm level 6 on PSN... I know that's pretty low, but recently I just earned my first platinum trophy... it was for InFamous :D This is actually a pretty easy game to get platinum on, not many things you have to do in order to get platinum.

I think the hardest trophy to get in my opinion was the blast shards, I mean finding 350 blast shards was the most annoying thing in the entire game. Having to replay the game again on Evil was kinda annoying too, but I got new powers and got to see how the story changed a little so it was cool.

Evrything else was pretty easy, I heard some people had trouble with the Stunts trophy, and I actually finished over half of the stunts before I even knew there was a stunt list :P Also I had to cheat my way with the Casey trophy, the one where you have to kill enemies on a moving train, I had to redo one mission over and over.

Also, because I zoomed through my second playthrough on Hard difficulty with the Evil Cole, I ended up having to do a Terror Bus mission about 20 times or so just to get enough EXP to buy all the negative karma upgrades... I ended the game with 7 EXP after I earned the Platinum :P

But yeah, first platinum trophy, and it actually gives you a huge boost in percentage in your PSN trophy level, I gained like 40% or so, maybe just because I'm only a level 6 :?

Well, that's the blog, feel free to comment if you wish, and thank you for reading! :)