Monthly Design
Another month gone and another new profile. This month's eddition is Marvel. Now as you know Marvel is the brand that made Spiderman, X-Men, The Hulk and many others. So this month i decided to do that. For my banner i got a spiderman and then typed in the words hat are in red. For the avatar i wanted another animation so i got one that shows mostly all of the marvel heroes. The sig is like usual below the last topic. Please go ahead and rate my sig, banner, and avatar, and if you want blog header.
Posting in Unions
I will not be posting a lot in unions probably not until i have some time i have been really busy lately so i will only be stopping by to check my mailbox and hen maybe go and post 3 or 4 poss in the OT Forum Board or The General Game Disscssions Forum Board.
If anyone has any more easy ways to get some more emblens then please comment becouse iam really looking forward to getting more emblens to my collection of 13 emblens.
My Ratings
Sig - 9.0
Banner - 9.2
Avatar - 9.0
Month 1 Nascar
Month 2 Final Fantasy X
Month 3 Transformers
Month 4 Star Wars
Month 5 Super Mario
Month 6 Final Fantasy VII
Month 7 Wrestling
Month 8 Marvel Heroes
Note: I did not just join gamespot 8 months ago.