Thursday started like a dream. Averything had a serreal look about it. I just thought, it was the party the night before, that had me seeing like this. I went to work, but nothing changed, it only got worse. By 10 AM I hit the ground, for my world went dark and a buzzing is all I can hear.
Within secounds all was normal... My boss let me go home for the day..
As I drove in my drive way... My cell phone began to ring, at that moment I knew nothing was ever going to be right agian.
My father was on the line, calling from Stanford University Medical Center.
He said My twin Brother had suffer'd a brian Anerisum. Like all twins I felt what my brother David was going though.
I beleave that what happin to me that morning, is what David was going though. It is days later and I Sit here typing.... David is under the knife as I type. it is now 9:17 AM today....
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