So, Pre-E3 I was pretty excited because I knew there was gonna be a hardware suprise from Nintendo (external hard disk? Visor? Remote controlled pie?) and I KNEW that we'd see more of Galaxy, Brawl and hopefully Metroid. Maybe the annoucement of a Starfox game for Wii, Mario Kart, Pikmin, F-zero... Something, awesome right?
How wrong I was. Something that IS awesome about Nintendo is their unpredictablility. They were on form when they wowed us with Wii last year, arguably not so much with Virtual Boy 12 years ago. And, in my opinion, they once again made a complete mistake with Wiifitness.
I may be a little presumptious with that statement, but it was what my instinct said to me when I first saw the thing, so it's what I'm going with. Playing with Wiisports is one thing. You can have a beer while doing it, you can compete with your friends, you can sit down, talk and insult eachothers mothers. With Wiifitness I don't think you'll be able to do that. And, to get most out of the game, your friends will have to come over and play it regularly when they're NOT drunk so the whole body mass thing can work out. That's what I don't get - it's meant to be aimed at casuals, right? Yet, the competitve aspect with bodymass is the selling point. In order to get the body-mass data you need to play the game regularly.. Why the hell would a casual do that? Again, it's not exactly pick up and play like Wii Sports. It's pick up, take body mass reading and excercise. I fail to see how this is fun.
Of course this is just my opinion and I hope for Nintendo's sake that they don't fail on this but... I dunno. If they can implement the matt into hardcore games it might work. I don't know what those things are capable of, but imagine if you could use it as a surfboard in SSX or run on it in some olympic game, or use it to run in an FPS... THEN it could potentially be cool.
Nintendo are right when saying they need to bring people in who havent played games before but at the same time they don't want to push away the fans who have made them the success they are today with games like Wiifitness. They should try to attract both hardcores AND casuals. I just hope that after the big three come out we're not left with thousands upon thousands of self-help 'games'