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manimaniuk Blog

Why do Movie Based Games Always **** !!!

I know this isnt the first time someone has noticed this but this just makes me so angry sometimes. For example I hear they are making a game based off Pirates of The Caribbean back in 06 for the PC and PS2 I had a PS2 at the time and still do but anyway I could not wait. When I actually played the game I had to say one thing "Meh". I was really suprised at how it was completley diffrent from what I expected from it. It was just a mediocre game and nothing more.

But anyway that was just one I have had so many expieriences like this in the past. But lets end with good "Film Game" that I like to call "The Warriors", now from the bottom of the bat let me say one thing I **** Love The Warriors and when I heard they were releasing the Game I was dying to play it and when I finally did get my hands on it I couldnt STOP!!! Playing it this is when I thought this is how to make use of a great license like "The Warriors" just talking about this game makes me want to play it.

This is manimaniuk signing out 8)