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manny_rules1105 Blog

My Top Ten Favorite Cartoon Openings#6 and #5 + Mario Kart...


here they are




American Dad

All right, ill post 4 and 3 sometime around midnight

ok, now for MKwii

im getting it july 1st, I found this job near this deli, and I give people news paper...

and I get 6 dollars a day ( wow )

but I have to send my wii in, but you know what my idea is? im just going to make them send me a new wii, if that doesnt work, im keepin my wii just how it is....

anyways, very soon you guys will be getting my MKWii FC


Territory Wars Online + A Rant On Nosy People ( Im Serious )

Hey guys, i found this game a few days ago called Territory War Online, You have to defeat all the opposing players on the field, it`s really fun, you dont have to download anything either, you sign up, no email account needed ( which you should have already otherwise you wouldnt be a member ). then you can face real people online, my username is manny1105.

ok, now for another rant that I just CANT resist to rant about. And nosy people...

Well, it all started yesterday night, my mom threw a party and some of her friends brought there children, I was talking to some of my friends, then this ten year old came up and said " Who what where what happend dude!?!? " and I was like " Dude, I wasnt talking to you " he was just trying to sneak into my conversation with someone, that bothers the CRAP out of me! if you just sneak into someone`s conversation like that, I swear I will kick your ass, that little kid always does that, I dont even know him. Moving on, I was at this place called " TGI Fridays " and some little kid trying to act cute and funny beacause it was his birthday going up to every table and trying to talk to the customers, and then... he went up to my family, he went up when I was talking to my sister, I would give him five strikes before I completely Snap, and that little kid was like " hello, whatcha doin? " ( STRIKE ONE ) I said " err, hey their little fella " He said " Its my birthday! " ( STRIKE TWO ) I said " how old are you then? " He said " Im 6 years old " ( STRIKE THREE ) I said " Thats nice " Then I turn my head away, He comes up back again asking me " Watcha gettin? " ( STRIKE FOUR ) I said " im getting the jack daniels burger " Then he said " That sounds nasty! " ... ( STRIKE FIVE ) Then i completley snapped on this pointless conversation wasting my time... I angerly yelled " What the hell! leave me alone you stupid little kid! where the heck are your parents!! " then, some one was looking at me, i assume that person was his dad. he stared, that kid cried back to the man, then, it was like it never happend...

well, thats all for my rant...

Later Gamerz! :P

My Goals Before I Level Up + My Rant On Racisim

Ok, lets start with my goals before I level up

lets start with my acchived goals

if they are underlined then that means the goal is finished

1.send my wii to Nintendo

2.get 5 friends

3.get tagger emblem


wow, I need to step it up

well im going to send my wii to Nintendo in the weekend, oh well

ok now for the next set of goals

1.get 8 friends

2.get tagger emblem

thats all for now

ok, now for my little rant on racisim

( sigh )

ok, I was at ihop this morning and their was all ONLY white people, the customers,employees,everyone I saw were white, everyone was starring at my family, I mean c,mon, whats wrong you guys! im not white, im dominican/purtirican, and if you dont like me cause of my skin color, then sorry for the language, but **** YOU. I live in a " white people " neighborhood, so i guess they are not use to my race, but if you just judge my race by color, then you are stupid, and gay and retarded and so on, and more on this topic, what also brings up racisim is rap music and other music like that, some people that dont like rap music and see people hear rap music...they assume that they are bad to hang out with, you know what I mean? soulja boy for example, some people HATE soulja boy, instead of making a fit about it and saying " man soulja boy is terrible! his music sucks and you suck if you listen to it! " or something like that. you can just politely say " well i dont really like soulja boy so much... " you see, thats all you have to do. what also is something that is about the racisim in this world know when black people say the " N " word to other black people and dont get offended, but then a white person sais the " N " word to a black person and does get offended, yeah well, thats something I really dont get...but if you ask me on how white and black people get along, i would say that if you dont want people to say it, then YOU shouldnt be saying it either.and for the last part of this rant racist react to other race. my older sister was in the swim team, her coach was white, her coach saw that my sister got 1st place in a few runs, freestyle,butterfly,breathstroke, when she got her 1st place congrats, she told her coach and you know what she said? she said " I have seen better rosemary, your not the BEST ive seen "... can you belive that, that racist bastard....

( sigh )

thats all for my rant...

well, later gamerz! :P

My New Goals Before I Level Up + New Mii Update + Americas Got Talent?

Ok, Well, here are my finished goals...

if a goal is underlined it means i finished it...

1.Get the label for my wii to be delivered to Nintendo

2.Deliver my wii to Nintendo

well, only 1/2 of my goals are acchived... ( sigh ) so yeah, my wii is still in my house... but i dont plan on playing it today, ok, well lemme post my new goals before I level up.

1. Send my wii to Nintendo

2. Get 5 friends

3. Get the Tagger Emblem

ok, well thats all for my goals.

Alright, well if you checked your wii today, you should get a new wii update for your mii`s. With this update, you can put your mii`s into your mii parade, note that if you do put a mii into the mii parade, the mii`s creator`s name will be deleted, and you can not use your mii in games such as, Wii Sports , Wii Fit , Super Mario Galaxy , Mario Party 8 , Mario Kart Wii , and so on... they will be deleted, if you ask me, i would not do it. what does the mii parade do anyway? nothing as for as I see.

ok, lastly, I was going around GS, and i saw an advritisement on " Americas Got Talent " it looks cool, i have seen britains got talent, but I havent even heard of that...

any of you guys know somthing about it?

Later Gamerz! :P

( !!!UPDATE!!! ) A Little Bit About The New Me + My Goals Before I Level Up

Well, hey there, you may know me as manny1105, but thats over with, its crazy over at my old profile, this is just simply about me making NEW friends, so dont worry guys, its still me.

Ok, for those who dont know who I am, my name is manny, i own a nintendo wii...thats it...

but i have a couple of games, if you want to add me on your wii friends list, my wii number is down in my profile, ill write mine over here anyways, it`s 6064 - 6781 - 1651 - 8570, but i cant add you untill for about the next 12 - 17 bussiness days from today. I also have Dr.Mario, my FC ( Friend Code ) is 3679 - 5625 - 4770. Again, I cant really use my wii for anouther 12 - 17 bussiness days. And lastly ( I dont know if that is even a word ) my Super Smash Bros Brawl FC is 2922 - 0165 - 7447.

Ok, well, thats all for my FC`s

More on me....

My favorite color is blue, im going to the 7th grade ( as of August 25th, 2008 ), I have been playing Nintendo and Sony ever since i was 6... I think.

My dad works in the Airport and assigns flights for people, he get`s paid $23.79 an hour, my mother works at HEB and works at the deli, she gets paid $19.00 an hour.

Ok, now here are my goals before i level up to level 2, wish me luck!

1. print my label for delivering my wii to Nintendo

2. send my wii to Nintendo

ok, thats all i want to blog about.

Later Gamerz! :D