Well, hey there, you may know me as manny1105, but thats over with, its crazy over at my old profile, this is just simply about me making NEW friends, so dont worry guys, its still me.
Ok, for those who dont know who I am, my name is manny, i own a nintendo wii...thats it...
but i have a couple of games, if you want to add me on your wii friends list, my wii number is down in my profile, ill write mine over here anyways, it`s 6064 - 6781 - 1651 - 8570, but i cant add you untill for about the next 12 - 17 bussiness days from today. I also have Dr.Mario, my FC ( Friend Code ) is 3679 - 5625 - 4770. Again, I cant really use my wii for anouther 12 - 17 bussiness days. And lastly ( I dont know if that is even a word ) my Super Smash Bros Brawl FC is 2922 - 0165 - 7447.
Ok, well, thats all for my FC`s
More on me....
My favorite color is blue, im going to the 7th grade ( as of August 25th, 2008 ), I have been playing Nintendo and Sony ever since i was 6... I think.
My dad works in the Airport and assigns flights for people, he get`s paid $23.79 an hour, my mother works at HEB and works at the deli, she gets paid $19.00 an hour.
Ok, now here are my goals before i level up to level 2, wish me luck!
1. print my label for delivering my wii to Nintendo
2. send my wii to Nintendo
ok, thats all i want to blog about.
Later Gamerz! :D