Thanks for the reply. crouse is nowhere to be seen. After i spoke to him when he told me about the chest, i havnt been able to find him. Its bugging me because i can see eldric but just cant reach him. i have tryed everything.
Ok so im just about to seal the last hole in the air temple and eldric has sumhow got himself stuck up a tree so he cant turn the eggs into serum for me! This is so frustrating as its impossible to reach him. Is there anyone else that can make the serum for me? I have saved the game since and the only other save i have is 17 hours earlier!! Please help.
Ok so ive been trying to find this golden rod for like 14 hours now and still no joy! I have done the fuse, the generators and the vodka but i have no clue whatsoever where this so called golden rod could be!! I pressume it has something to do with the 4 dials in the lighthouse. If anyone knows what the dials do or where the rod can be found, please let me know. Or if you are willing to search with me then add me! GAMERTAGE: Hostile1987
Im sure alot of people have posted a similar topic but if anyone can help me to get the professor portal achievement it would great. Gamertag Hostile1987
Need some anarchy players for the achievement--- Anarchy master. For those who dont know, its 50,000 points in 1 wave. This will only be possible on the 20th wave so add me if your up for the challenge! GT Hostile1987
Hey guys, Im looking for some online bulletstorm players who know what they are doing. m sick of playing matches where the other people just run round and shoot the challenges just for an extra kill!!! If theres anyoneout there ADD ME ------------------- Gamertag--------- Hostile1987
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