Ok, I wrote a blog about a little boy who's right ear got healed a few blogs ago. Some people said that God didn't heal him. Well, then how do you explain this?
Written by his mother - Adriana Alvaradorivera (taken from im180.com )
On Tuesday morning Antonio was very happy to come to Cornerstone's V.B.S. There was excitement in the air, the mariachis were playing, people were running around, and everybody looked so happy! I smiled to myself rejoicing at the fact that Cornerstone always goes all out. When Ms. Kelly saw Antonio, she ran to him and welcomed him with a big hug and a smile. Antonio was delighted to be there.
That afternoon on our way home he told me ALL about his day. Since he was sitting in the back seat and I was driving, it was hard for me to understand what he was saying, so I had to stop him several times and had him repeat what he said.
On Wednesday afternoon, Ms. Kelly informed me of what had happened that day in the chapel, how the Holy Spirit had moved very powerfully, how Pastor Brett had taken his time to pray for the children, how he had spent time praying specifically for Antonio's healing, and she gave me Antonio's right ear hearing aid. Everybody seemed very touched and excited about Antonio's healing.
On our way back home, he told me ALL about his day, and this time I noticed something different...I understood everything he was saying! I didn't have to stop him in the middle of a sentence to have him repeat it or to say it louder.
I called my husband right away and told him Antonio had a surprise for him at home. That night as we were having dinner, as usual, everybody wanted to talk and share about their day. But, NOBODY noticed Antonio was wearing only one hearing aid. Later I asked my husband if he had noticed anything different and he said "no."
Ever since Antonio was diagnosed with hearing loss at the age of 2 1/2 years old, we had taken our stand on the Word of God, and will not be moved regardless of what we see or hear or feel. He had been prayed over by several men of God; he had taken his hearing aids off for a while, but would end up putting them back on, because he couldn't hear anything without them. In November of last year inspired by GIGWA, the Lord laid in my heart to teach Antonio what the Bible says about divine healing. So I got all my Kenneth Hagin Books, notes, scriptures, confessions, healing scripture's CD; Gloria Copeland healing books, and the healing Bible studies, scriptures, and confessions I had from Cornerstone Church. And we have been studying how it is God's will for us to be healed and stayed healed! From Genesis to Revelation we can see the goodness of God toward us in Christ Jesus.
Antonio has memorized by heart a lot of healing scriptures, knows how to teach about healing, knows how to believe and receive by faith, how to confess the Word-The Truth, he knows how to speak to the mountain according to Mark 11:23-24. This little boy knows more about healing than a lot of grown ups I know.
That Tuesday morning, the first day of V.B.S., I was so touched by the happy environment all around V.B.S. that I went home desiring to be part of it. I called my husband Tony and told him that I was getting ready to go back to Cornerstone. We had been having "Church" at home for the last 4 months. During this time Antonio was able to share some of the things he was learning about healing with the rest of the family, which was a real blessing, Antonio is an excellent teacher. But that Tuesday morning made me want to come back to Cornerstone and enjoy the fellowship of other Christians who with a pure heart worship the Lord. So I called my husband and told him, "if we ever go back to Cornerstone, I want to work with Pastor Brett in the children's department", and he actually said, that was exactly what was in his heart- to help in the children's department with Pastor Brett.
I thought, well, Praise God were in agreement! (We had met Ps. Brett before while we were still at Cornerstone, and we both fell in love with him). On Sunday, Antonio requested to go to Cornerstone instead of having "Church" at home. We all agreed of course! Now, Antonio is doing great, I constantly check his hearing to see if he can actually hear me. Last time after he went to bed, as I was putting his left ear hearing aid away, I noticed that the battery was dead and he had not noticed! I called his Dr.'s Office to schedule a hearing test, but they couldn't get anything scheduled until August 25th. I will let you know of the test results as soon as I get them. In the meantime, we are rejoicing in God's goodness and mercy, in the Blood of the Lamb, in Jesus' sacrifice, in the devil's defeat, in the WORD, in the Name that is above all names-the precious Name of Jesus. We are rejoicing to be living in the blessing of God! Thank you Pastor Brett for joining your faith with ours. Thank you Cornerstone for V.B.S. God Bless you all!
Adriana & Antonio Alvaradorivera
His ear, his LEFT hearing aide, was dead. AND HE COULD STILL HEAR! Now, if you still say God didn't heal him, then give me a good reason WHY he didn't.