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march15th Blog

wii-'ll see.

gotta give mad props to nintendo.  the more i read about the wii, the more i dredge up those old nintendo fanboy feelings. don't act like you weren't a fanboy back in the day. you know nintendo single handedly saved the industry when it introduced the nes.  well i think they are definately on their way to doing it again with the wii.  innovation is the feul that will reignite that nintendo flame.  i mean they have always been innovative in regard to the way we play, to the point of being ahead of their time [i.e. the nes in general, the nes lightgun, the powerglove, the nes game pad for track and field, B.O.B., shoulder buttons on the snes controller, thumbstick on n64 controller, virtual boy in general, touch screens on the ds].  now with the wii controller, not only are they changing the way we play, they are changing who "we" are.  gamers that is.  now "wii" gamers will include mothers and grandparents and basically anyone who may have initially been put off by the complexities of video games. my wife might even get into the wii, whereas she quickly dismissed the xbox after a few minutes cause the controller was too complex.  nintendo has taken steps to keep gamers from being isolated from their families and begun moving towards including the whole family in the fun.  kudos to the big n for this move.  i think the price they chose for the system is great for all parties involved. they don't lose money and we don't have to pay over $500.  i hear game development is less expensive for the wii than for the others, so even developers will enjoy that, which means less expensive games on the horizon.  and who doesn't love that?  on a slightly different note, i wonder how many console generations we are away from a virtual reality console. i mean they have these glasses now that you can watch tv on, so you wouldn't have to worry about the neckpain associated with the virtual boy. if you were to place sensors in them, then you could look around in a 3d world by moving your head. attached earphones and a mic to the unit for surround sound and communication. sensors could be placed in a glovelike peripheral and worn on your hands and used for swordplay, shooting games, and basically any type of game that the wii controller's *new industry term alert* "mosensor" will be used for. maybe mosensor socks can be worn for fighting games. maybe a fitted shirt with vibration pads can be worn to tell the gamer that he has been hit.  who knows? in order for any of this to come about though, then you gotta support the companies out there that are ballsy enough to take a risk on something innovative. the big questions is, "will nintendo's next console get the support that it deserves?"  i guess wii'll see. 1.

xna and me.

having bashed microsoft 'ever so daintily' in my last post i return with a positive word in their regard.  xna... as i understand it from my brief perusal of the article on it, is a game development tool that will enable homebrewed games to be made more easily and help small dev teams keep production costs down. genius.  i see this to be an industry blessing and maybe just what microsoft needs to boost their appeal in the industry. who knows what gamers want better than the gamers themselves. put the power of creation into their hands.  i think this will lead to a broader array of games, more innovation, and all that nonsense.  on the flip side, i do realize that this may be a two-edged sword. it could lead to alot of crappy games surfacing but it's still nice to see that someone is helping the little guy, these 'garage developers', get their 15 minutes.

a few on new-gen...

i'd like to start off by thanking the whole 360 crew. the lackluster [as far as i'm concerned] lineup that is currently available doesn't really have anything that can keep my interest, so i actually chose to get out of the house and go play some basketball this last weekend. so, microsoft, thank you for giving me the opportunity to get some exercise in.  okay, now, having said that, i do like what microsoft has in the way of its live community.  i see much potential in the future of 360, but with ps3 coming so shortly i hope it's not too little, too late.  i think the ps3 pricing is a steal for all that you are supposedly getting.  and if their launch lineup has even just a decent selection it will spell trouble for microsoft. then there's the wii. i think it will be able to hold its own.  you gotta respect nintendo's innovation. i might pick one up, but i don't see myself spending hours swinging that controller around. i do see how it could potentially gain my wife's interest since the new style of gameplay will kind of level the playing field for us.  as it stands now, she hates playing against me 'cause i either always win, or if i lose, she knows it's because i let her win.  where's the fun in that.  i'll just have to wait and see how well it does.  more later.... 1.


new to the blog joint.  dunno if i'll keep it up or not.  console gaming gets love. hip hop too [east coast]. might break u cats off wit a flow from the 'rime jurnle' on occasion.  things are slow at work right now so i've been hittin' up gamespot [big up] pretty often.  u know u get the 'ssentials here. 1.