After a day had passed I was eager to get back to playing CoD4 again. With the new maps coming out yesterday gave me a legitimate reason to try them out. I mentioned yesterday that Killhouse was one of the leading favorites.
Well it still is. Playing today, with an even amount of players on both sides, I quickly found myself loving the map even more. The action is better spread out then the Shipment map, because you can use an array of guns instead of your usual sub machine guns or shotgun in Shipment. I mentioned that I preferred to use the M249 S.A.W in Killhouse, which don't get me wrong it's a great gun,
but the RPD had better accuracy, and I killed a lot more people in a short amount of time. One of the best things about this map is your cover through out the whole map. There's plenty of walls and crates to get behind, yet most of your cover will eventually kill you if your spot early or you come across crossfire. I learned that the hard way! The weakness in cover makes you move around the map even quicker thus giving you a lot of surprise attacks, which will lead in a lot of kills or deaths on your part.
Now if your looking to snipe there are spots on the ground floor where you can shoot to kill, but usually you will be killed before you get your first shot off. There's a tower in the middle of the map where you can climb, but every time someone tried to climb they became an easy kill. One person did make it to the top, but like I said before your cover in this map is structurally weak, so he died within seconds. The best place are two small huts that have roof access via stairs. But you'll have to be quick with your sniper rifle, and you better have the
unlocked so that you won't get killed due to your slow recoil and reload rate. Since I like to snipe I am eager to wrap my head around Creek when I get the chance. Plus I need to unlock the M21, because I only have the Dragunov SVD, and that's not getting it done. Until next time check out the downloads page for the Call of Duty 4 v1.6 patch that will give you this map and three others.