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Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars Super APC v1.03 Mod

I just uploaded this Mod yesterday, and I have to say it's one of my favorites. Now I have uploaded a lot of C&C 3 Mods, but this one hit the right note. This mod gives more space inside the GDI APC up to six units in each APC. After I uploaded this mod I started to play around with it and put every kind of unit into this thing. It worked magically killing all units that came by with no problem. The APC still maintains speed and armor, but now costs 1000 to build. Since the APC is a fast vehicle it's the only vehicle I built the entire match, because I could have units move to one side of the map in a couple of seconds where it takes a tank longer.

Now this Mod also offers a wall build feature for all factions which is nice, but it's funny to watch the enemy come up to the wall and be a bit confused until the realize that they have to go around. I am not sure why C&C 3 took out the wall feature for this series, because it makes it a great addition to your base plus the enemy knows to blow it up in order to get into your base. The walls in this mod are destructible, but the AI doesn't know that. So, if you close off a path way they will not attempt to demolish the wall instead they will go find another route. The frustrating thing to this wall feature is that your troops won't fire at anything on the other side of the wall. They will act dumb and think nothing is there when in fact there is thirty Scorpion Tanks trying to get through my wall.

Other than that the Super APC mod is great, but I just wish that it cam with an Orca mod that would have a gun turret plus unlimited missiles. I have uploaded a mod like that, but never together with this kind of a mod. Mod community hear my cry and make a mod that includes these two together plus the wall feature please!

Great work KayakerUK and keep up the modding!