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Crysis D-Day

So I was sent on another mission in the future. Some crazy bones decide to alter time and reality, so that D-Day 1942 happens in 2042 not 1942. Ahhh another headache. Any-who, they decided to equip me with plenty of weapons and a truck. I'm not sure why they wanted me to jump off a plane with a truck, but they included a truck. And if your wondering who is "They" well after my crappy crysis vacation I left the company I was working for, because the benefits sucked and started doing independent contracting. The hours are great and I can sleep in whenever I want to. THEY is a group called The Haymakers Evolution Yawning Group. Weird I know, but they pay well.

The battle was pretty rough from the up in the sky, but someone had to stop the fighting, and who better to finish the war then your own NOMAD! Jumping off planes is always fun, but when you don't have a parachute it does hurt when I fall into the water. Luckily I hacked my suit to take hard impacts. When I got on the ground I knew I needed to end the war quickly so I launched a couple of TAC Nukes in the air to quiet things a bit, and then moved to high ground to scope out my next TAC launch.

The hike up the mountain was rough but I knew I could make it up. I got a pass at 24hr Fitness a couple months ago and was able to train for a situation just like the mountain hike. When I got to the top I could see everything. The sky was littered with planes frozen in time and planes that were flying, but not dropping any help for me, which I didn't understand. After taking a couple seconds to myself I decided that this world needed to be cleansed. I shot a couple of TAC's in the air and watched everyone burn. Yes, I know it was cruel, but at least the bodies of the NK were made nice colors when they burned up.

Another mission in the bag!